

How to Balance Your Career with the Needs of Your Family

By Terry Reyes posted 10-31-2019 12:09 AM


A lot of people believe that they have to sacrifice their careers if they want to take care of the needs of their families. They still earn an income but regard their employment as a job instead of as a career.


Too often, this is unnecessary. To be sure, having a career and a family is a balancing act, but it’s not an unrealistic goal. There are days when you’ll know it’s possible and days when you question your sanity. But here are some guidelines to help you on the way:


Get your priorities straight and stick to them


A lot of people will say that family comes first, and your job comes second. This need not always be the case. There are some needs of your family that should be your immediate priority. But not all their needs should be treated this way.


Set yourself goals for your personal and professional life. Once you do this, you can set milestones or mini-goals that you need to accomplish. Prioritize them so that you manage your time.


People complain that they cannot do all their work during working hours. But are they working efficiently? Re-evaluate your work habits to be productive. It gives you more time to devote to your family. This approach can help you balance the demands of having a career and a family.


Put a support structure in place


A support structure is vital. However, a lot of people stop at forming a personal support system. What about a professional support system? Your job is easiest done with the cooperation of your co-workers or the people who work for you. It also takes a village to secure career success.


Form a support structure in your workplace with colleagues who will step in when you need them because of competing priorities. Do the same for them when they are in the same predicament.


Get help if you’re suddenly overwhelmed with more family responsibilities. For example, if one of your parents becomes ill, don’t try and do it all alone. Get your family and friends involved with helping you. Professional help from homecare workers from companies like Tandem Careplanning can help to relieve a lot of the stress this type of situation can impose on you.


Look after yourself


You cannot pour from an empty jug. Make sure you recharge your batteries by taking care of yourself. If you don’t, you’ll run into health problems that could affect your ability to be a productive employee and caring family member.


Make sure that you get enough sleep. There are only 24 hours in a day, and there is only so much you can fit into them. Rest is an essential part of self-care.


You also need to make sure that you are eating healthily and getting enough exercise. This can help to maintain your mental and physical health, both of which are significant if you want to balance your personal and professional life.


Run on a tight schedule


It’s wonderful to be spontaneous and do things on the spur of the moment. But when you’re busy with your family and career, there isn’t necessarily much time for that.


It’s better to draw up a schedule to make sure that you can meet your commitments. Include alone time with your partner, quality time with family, every family member’s work and school schedules, birthdays, and anything else you can add.


A program like this helps you make sure you use your time well. It also helps you to keep your work and family life balanced so that you can have the best of both worlds.