This is an interesting new trend in corporate governance. However, a mere 5% of public companies now have technology committees on their boards, as cited by Nash...Yet most companies do not seem to equate those risks with good corporate governance at the top ranks
3 Comments - Not only does technology governance need to involve the board – a company also needs to integrate its key management functions
Very interesting CFO Magazine article on the growing crisis of corporate governance, risk breaches and the need for additional technologies to assist companies with the major financial liability issue… "Despite such headlines, “corporate mistakes keep getting worse,” Forrester writes
1 Comment - Today I watched a presentation by Boardwalktech and MetricStream (GRC software provider) that had startling claims about the lack of critical spreadsheet governance. Firms of all sizes still rely heavily on Excel spreadsheets and other user-developed technology to produce financial reports and cannot show that they have strong management and control over these key pieces in the supply chain of financial reporting
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Interesting debate yesterday before the US Senate Banking Committee on the topic of expanding disclosures of US companies to include environmental, social and governance data besides just financial disclosures
Information on the data exchange standard required by the DATA Act has been published to provide technical glimpse into implementation. On May 9, 2014, President Obama signed into law the DATA Act. The DATA Act was passed unanimously by Congress (which included Senator Menendez's...
- Brad Monterio, Vice Chair, IMA TS&P Committee and IMA Global Board Member #integratedreporting #corporatereporting #Event #reporting #CSR #Druckman #ESG #non financial #IIRC #HotTopic #Eccles #integratedthinking #corporatedisclosure #TechTalk #governance #non financial #IR #disclosure
Tech Alert: US SEC Chair Mary Jo White released a statement at an Open Meetings yesterday (April 13, 2016) on Regulation S-K Concept Release and use of Inline XBRL for better public company financial disclosure. Mary Jo White hinted at the open meeting of the US SEC that the agency is...
Among other things, the recommendations propose requirements for disclosure of material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) specific risks, aimed at enhancing transparency
Interesting alarming report from the US GAO issued in January 2016 to Members of Congress on the need in the capital markets and more specifically -- public companies – to disclose in their reports and to the US SEC material risks related climate change so investors and the public can make...