Interesting article from CNBC on water scarcity and its impact on current and future country GDP growth. Water scarcity continues to become a global issue – especially in California and its impact agricultural production. From the article: “Nearly a quarter of humanity already resides in...
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Today - Michael Bloomberg , Chair of the SASB and CEO of Bloomberg and former Mayor of New York City is working with various global leaders in his capacity with the UN to support public company disclosure of sustainability, diversity, natural capital and human capital metrics to support capital market initiatives to address climate change/global warming. The nation’s largest pension fund – Calpers is pushing for sustainability reporting of public companies as a best practice using the SASB reporting framework in this recent article
Efforts are underway to use XBRL for nonfinancial information that companies disclose which also includes natural and human capital metrics to deal with better corporate governance topics such as global warming, diversity, human trafficking and child labor
Included in sustainability reporting is a company's environment footprint related to global warming/climate change risk mitigation