Whether data comes through more traditional legacy systems or from a smart refrigerator or vending machine, the data challenges are the same or similar, including those that impact accounting. Some of my prior TechTalk blogs have tackled issues like effective data governance strategies and reliability of data to drive decision-making
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Just came back from an accounting conference in London about the United Nation’s Sustainability Development Goals
Great article in Accounting Today by Michael Cohen (Technology Reporter) about the United States Securities and Exchange Commission looking more closely at XBRL data tagging of financial statement & footnotes of public company disclosures more closely now
Great article in Fed Scoop about new legislation being introduced in Congress that would take the XBRL global data standard -- created by the accounting profession -- and build-out across all federal financial agencies for better transparency and accountability
The same is now being applied to food services – but what about medical services or other professional services liking accounting, management consulting, public relations, auditing, public service not is use?
Major search engines like GOOGLE are using structured data (XBRL is a version of structured data created by the accounting and auditing for business and financial data reported on the Internet) to better locate and process information: “Structured data use is increasing and is in approximately one-third of the commonly crawled web now and clicks increased by 43 percent using the structured data format
Several of these government agencies - like the Federal Reserve - use different accounting standards for financial reporting from other federal agencies
US GAAP does not include non-financial accounting metrics. Key question in the United States: will the capital markets stay relevant to meeting both the needs of investors and the public if this non-financial information is not disclosed and/or the accounting standard bodies don’t recognize non-financial data from an accounting perspective?
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