The article spotlights an energy startup in Perth, Australia that is doing a trail peer-to-peer technology solution that would allow consumers to offer excess energy, available through their solar panels, on a Blockchain
We saw the impact of the global economic meltdown in 2008 and the need for more enhanced systemic risk of the world’s largest entities. XBRL offers a solution to assist the US SEC with regulatory reporting transparency and hopefully this will be build-out across other regulations issued by the US SEC for enhanced disclosure
As Joseph Howell indicated in this month’s SF Magazine feature article, “Moving to the Cloud ,” the accounting profession is increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to improve efficiency, lessen the impact on the IT budget, streamline processes, and increase productivity, all with the swipe of a credit card
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Greetings from the IMA Technology Solutions & Practices (TS&P) Committee and welcome to your new online Technology Community at the IMA!
TABB predict blockchain solutions will be applied to track syndicated loans by the second quarter of 2016 of banks, but other market sectors may take longer
John Gomez , CEO of Sensato Cybersecurity Solutions , presented, “Cybersecurity Risks: Myths, Fallacies and Facts&rdquo
Liv Watson , Senior Director Strategic Customer Initiatives at Workiva and member of the IMA Technology Solutions Practices Committee gave us an alert yesterday from the International Organization of Securities Commissioners IOSCO Annual Conference in Lima, Peru that this SME Crowdfunding Rule would be finalized when Mary Jo White, Chair of the US Securities & Exchange Commission addressed delegates attending the global securities regulator/ stock exchange conference and spoke of the significance to the SME capital markets place and crowdfunding
I recently attended the annual strategic planning meeting of the IMA's Technology Solutions & Practices Committee during which we had some lengthy conversations about the evolution of management accountants moving from a more transactional focus to an increasingly strategic role to help the company make decisions that impact growth and value
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