Smaller companies can now solicit funds from individuals who are not accredited investors. Companies can now use technologies like the Internet to promote their investment opportunity to any investor. However unaccredited investors will be limited in the amount they can invest in a company using RegA+
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Watch out United States EDGAR Online – the European Union is building a “next generation” -- “EDGAR-LIKE” corporate disclosure platform to be used by 28 EU member states for global investors that will be built upon BLOCKCHAIN and global financial and non-financial data access standards like eXtensible Business Reporting Language ( XBRL ) to expedite investments from global investors
Great information in this article about the global expansion of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) global data standard and its impact in providing both regulators and investors understanding about the relationship between entities and their exposure in the capital markets. With the financial crisis of 2008 - both regulators and investors were unable to understand the relationship between entities involved because these complex relationships could not be tracked to determine loss
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Under the new changes in the EU Shareholders Rights Directive -- it will make it easier for shareholders residing in another European Union country to the location of the company in which it invests to participate in the general meetings of those companies and to vote on shareholder issues. The new rules require institutional investors and money management firms to be transparent about how they invest and engage with companies. The directive encourages these investors to adopt a more long-term focus in their investment strategies, and to consider social and environmental issues. The rules will be based on a “comply-or-explain” approach — if an investor does not comply with the rules they need to provide an explanation as to why
From testimony before the US Senate Banking Committee: US Senator Sherrod Brown: “SEC should act to require uniform disclosure of corporate ESG factors, said ranking committee member Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. "Investors know there are many environmental, social, or political risks that could reduce long-term value, but companies are not providing that information," Mr
Interesting alarming report from the US GAO issued in January 2016 to Members of Congress on the need in the capital markets and more specifically -- public companies – to disclose in their reports and to the US SEC material risks related climate change so investors and the public can make better financial decisions. For example, risks related to the disrupting of supply chain of public companies that provides critical food, medicine, energy, and products that support the US economy can be of significant financial value to both investors and the public
Great article in Sustainable Brands and the significance of non-financial reporting disclosure by companies and its direct relationship to investor behavior… According to a recent Ernst & Young survey : Investors are increasingly using non-financial performance to draw conclusions on value and to better inform their decisions, since it’s often a sign of operational excellence if a company shows they are handling environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues well
At the summit -- Carney again called for improved disclosure of climate risks from listed firms to help ensure investors can respond appropriately to this growing international crisis
This additional non-financial disclosure will help to address material risks associated with these topics that are showing greater and greater interest from the investment/pension community through impact investing/responsible investing